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Oud 14 September 2005, 21:01   #3
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Ik zal er een paar posten uit de Hellraiser-serie, ik ben gek op die quotes. Pinhead rules!!! Het zijn er trouwens aardig wat.

Hellraiser I:
- Frank Cotton: I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond limits... pain and pleasure, indivisible.
- Kirsty Cotton: Who are you?
- Pinhead: Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others.
- Pinhead: No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.
- Frank Cotton: Come to Daddy. (Best wel een bekende quote onder de horrorfanaten denk ik)
- Pinhead: We will tear your soul apart.
- Frank Cotton: Jesus wept. (terwijl hij aan een hele stel vleeshaken hangt in de lucht, armen gespreid)

Hellbound: Hellraiser II:
- Pinhead: Go on... but trick us again child, and your suffering will be legendary even in Hell!
- Channard Cenobite: The doctor is in.
- Pinhead: Oh, Kirsty. So eager to play, so reluctant to admit it.
- Pinhead: But please, feel free, explore. We have eternity to know your flesh.
- Channard Cenobite: I recommend... amputation!
- Julia Cotton: Kirsty. You have surprisingly good taste in men. They didn't tell you, did they? They've changed the rules of the fairy tale. Now I'm longer just the wicked stepmother. Now I'm the evil queen. So come on!
Kirsty Cotton: Nooooo!
Julia Cotton: Take your best shot, Snow White!

Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth:
- The Priest: You'll burn in hell for this!
Pinhead: Burn? Oh, such a limited imagination!
- Pinhead: Unbearable, isn't it? The suffering of strangers, the agony of friends. There is a secret song at the center of the world, Joey, and its sound is like razors through flesh.
Joey: I don't believe you.
Pinhead: Oh come, you can hear its faint echo right now. I'm here to turn up the volume. To press the stinking face of humanity into the dark blood of its own secret heart.
- Pinhead: Human dreams... such fertile ground for the seeds of torment. You're so ripe Joey, and it's harvest time.
Joey: But this isn't fair! You can't!
Pinhead: Save your tears. I'll reap your sorrow slowly. I have centuries to discover the things that make you whimper.
Joey: You bastard! You invaded my mind!
Pinhead: You think your nighttime world is closed to me? Your mind is so naked. A book that yearns to be read. A door that begs to be opened.
- Pinhead: Just give me the box and I'll free you from the future.
Joey: Free yourself from the past.
Pinhead: Don't debate with me, girl! Just come here and die while you still have the option of doing it quickly!
- J.P. Monroe: Jesus Christ!
Pinhead: Not quite.
- Pinhead: Down the dark decades of your pain, this will seem like a memory of Heaven.
- The Priest: Demons aren't real. Theyre parables, metaphors.
[de deur van de kerk gaat open en Pinhead komt binnen]
Joey: Than what the fuck is that?
- Pinhead: This is my body, This is my blood, Happy are they who come to my sabbat.
- Pinhead: [mocking the Crucifixion of Christ] I am the way!

Hellraiser IV: Bloodline:
- John Merchant: For God's sake!
Pinhead: Do I look like someone who cares about what God thinks?
- Pinhead: Temptation is illusion. But the time for trickery is past. In this game, we show ourselves as we really are.
Angelique: And what is that?
Pinhead: The beauty of suffering.
Angelique: You are no different from that beast who sucks the bones you throw to it!
Pinhead: [as he hooks into her flesh] And you, Princess? What are you?
- Pinhead: Pain? How dare you use that word? What you think of as pain is a shadow. Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you. Gentlemen, I... Am... Pain
- Pinhead: Young... unformed... oh, what appetites I could teach him.
Genevieve L'Merchant: Just give him to me, please!
Pinhead: Aha ha, oh, you suffer beautifully. But I am here for business, not pleasure.
Genevieve L'Merchant: Just tell me what you want!
Pinhead: Oh, I want bait... live bait...

Hellraiser V: Inferno:
- Pinhead: It's all a puzzle, isn't it, Joseph? Like a game of chess, perhaps. The pieces move, apparently aimlessly, but always towards one single objective: to kill the king. But who is the king in this game, Joseph? That is the question you must ask yourself.
Joseph: I don't understand.
Pinhead: Ah, the eternal refrain of humanity. Pleading ignorance, begging for mercy. "Please, help me. I don't understand."

Hellraiser VI: Hellseeker:
- Pinhead: Welcome to the worst nightmare of all... reality!
- [as he sticks Trevor in the back of the neck with a pin]
Pinhead: Which do you find more exhilarating, Trevor, pain or pleasure? Personally, I prefer pain.

Hellraiser VII: Deader:
- Winter: You can't hurt me.
Pinhead: You're not the first to say that... and you won't be the last!
- Pinhead: Dreams are fleeting, Nightmares last forever!
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