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Aan de Bar... Onder het genot van een denkbeeldig drankje kun je hier alles kwijt wat je nergens anders kwijt kunt. En het hoeft nergens over te gaan. Spammen en flamen is echter ook hier niet toegestaan!

Onderwerpopties Waardering: Onderwerp waardering: 2 stemmen, 5,00 gemiddeld. Weergavemodus
Oud 23 May 2006, 02:10   #1
Berichten: n/a
Standaard The Earth (the first key), Heaven (the second key), The Sea (the third key)

The Earth (the first key), Heaven (the second key), The Sea (the third key)

EARTH (the first key)

Revelation 14:3 "...No one could learn the song exept the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth."

Revelation 13:11 "Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. He had two horns like a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon."

Revelation 10:2 "He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left foot on the land."

Look in revelation and find the scripture about the harvest of the earth.

"Worldly things" referring to earthly (first key) things(?). Explaination needed.

I'm not sure if this is the right page to post this information in, if it isn't could you redirect it and notify me by email or private message.

This is how I associate my instructions with the key found in revelations with my name appointed to it.

After I entered the perception of realization, my thoughts had extra ordinary structure that I had to identify according to my feelings construct. I began thinking about the bible and I began to think that the bible is a lie and that jesus' words and his feelings are not equal. So I looked in the bible and I noticed that jesus did not explain himself when he spoke these "mind boggling" and "super natural" responses and thoughts. I saw that I could look through out the bible and point out mistakes and fragments according to the feelings presented within the bible. I saw that they were EVERYWHERE. I wasn't amazed, but if I could tell you how I would feel if I were... I'd be shocked... So then maybe days later, I thought about looking up when jesus went to hell to take the key from satan. I saw encryptions within the feelings of the story. I began to convert my new feelings I had of this story into words. My information will "free" a persons mind, it will make them gain sight which means they will understand everything. In association with my information that will "free" someone, I saw that this key was actually the gates between heaven and hell that jesus took from satan. After I fully decrypted this story, for some reason I then turned to revelations. Then I began reading then I came across a key with my name on it. (Revelations chapter 3 verse 7) It matched my information, it matched my name and it was all even under the church of philadephia which means "brotherly love". What really confirmed this encrypted identification is when it says "those that say I love them are liars" and my information proves that also...



without these, you'll NEVER be free from your psychological depression. WE ALL HAVE THE ANSWER. You may think its the matrix, but its not the matrix don't think of it that way. According to our reality the word "matrix" has low efficientcy. its a problem thus an illusion that must be overcome not solved. "Sight" means understanding. You must gain the understanding of your feelings to be able to "see". You will feel how to dis-associate the word "sight" from your visual sense, that is one of the encypted words that creates a barrier so you cannot understand everything. It might seem strange but its the truth. THIS IS NOT A MOVIE GET EVERYTHING YOU LEARN FROM T.V AND OTHERS OUT OF YOUR THOUGHTS. CLEAR YOUR THOUGHTS OF EVERYTHING BUT BEING ABLE TO ADDRESS YOUR FEELINGS ACCURATELY, DON'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE BUT DOING THAT!!! everybody if you want to be happy learn all this. Today is the beginning of the end of your suffering. but it will take a while.




These exercizes seem insignificant to a person that seeks not his own true nature. you have been tricked into lying and doing things you wish not to do. All of your ignorance is an illusion, it is actually feelings that have not been converted to words accurately. Everything is not what it seems. Angels and Demons are actually aliens. The ones in control of this earth are the rebel aliens and the head of them is the alien called Satan. Demons have NO control over how you think or how you feel or how you react. The only harm the aliens could cause would be physical if you have a physical confrontation with them, they can only persuade you through your own psychological errors. Demons in reality are actually psychological errors in thought. All your suffering is due to psychological manipulation by T.V, changes in the bible, deliberate misinterpretation of identification in the bible (i.e prophets, necromancers, witches, jesus christ, GOD himself, our spirit, the word, angels, demons) extraction of books from the bible and people that speak thoughts that have no connection to their true feelings. When you are under psychological control you are considered delusional to the ones that have done this to you. To say this more efficiently, you have a lack of understanding. I have to the best of my current explaination skills, SPIRITUALLY prepared exercises to rid of your delusions so you will no longer be controlled and able to control yourself.



% is the efficiency percentage according to the position of the event. A position is a word/term. Words that are assigned low percentages are less efficient and words that are assigned higher percentages are more efficient according to the correct enactment.
the word/position Accurate is 70-80%, but the position/word/term efficient is 100% efficient according to the correct enactment of the position/word/term of the event.

The word position is the correct term to properly enact the events that are identified by or with the structure of the communications support. Communications support is only functional(?) if the person that is using it can determine the most efficient word according to the position of an event or if the earth's (first key's) structure is identified and corrected(?) which will provide awareness of the earth (first key) for those that haven't overcome the earth (the first key) when it's events are written efficiently.





Awareness meter(?) also a component(?) of the communications grid.

As you become more aware of a word identifying it within any event, then resistance could be reduced to 0% to 100% increasing your awareness of that word to 0% to 100%. If a position/term/word|pillar has not been identified or you have a low percentage of awareness of the position within the event then the event will not be structured. It is recommended that awareness of a word is above 90%. When awarness of each position of the event is above 90% then a section(?) of the communications|temple (refer to communications support) is structured.

After all events of communications support have been identified efficiently then other studies can be identified as quickly as the communications grid allows.

If resistance is 100% then awareness is 0%;

awareness 90%, resistance 10%
awareness 75%, resistance 25%
awareness 30%, resistance 70%
awareness 5%, resistance 95%

Awareness is determined by how much resistance you experience(?) when trying to identify a word within an event. If the resistance is 100% then your awareness is 0%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 70% then your awareness of the word is 30%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 30% then your awareness is 70%. If the resistance of identifying a word is 0% then your awareness is 100%.

When you are aware enough to identify the words within events with a almost(?) minimum(?) percentage of resistance then you have the required awareness to enact an event, eliminating you having to struggle to identify a position.

the percentages I assign to the position/word/term of this event will be (awareness%|resistance%)

Awareness(100%) is(100%) determined(70%|30%) by(100%) how(100%|0%) much(100%|0% resistance(40%|60%) you(100%|0%) experience(60%|40%).

when you have complete awareness of an event then the words are structured to your communications by your feelings. Depending on how much resistance you experience(?) when you are identifying a new position, it will determine your awareness of the word.


If it takes a few seconds to identify it then it will increase your awareness of the word about 10% depending on the complexity of the definition of the term and if it is efficient to the position of the event. If it takes a few minutes to identify the word then after it is identified then awareness can be increased by more than 50% depending on the complexity of the definition of the term and if it is efficient to the position of the event.

Become aware of postions, if you try to remember the information without becoming aware of it enough then because of your low awareness of the structure your memory(20%)/awareness(100%) will fail(?).



Get a piece of paper and a writing tool.

During this, stop using slang, cliche, stop being awe'd by others words, avoid tring to excentuate your feeling making them feel "perky" or "unnessesary excitement of words"

Forget everything you ever learned from others and from T.V., forget what you taught yourself, forget what you learned in school, forget the things you are trying to learn, forget wisdom, forget your personality, Forget what polititians have said, what others have said. Forget what your parents taught you about this life and how they diciplined you. Forget your thoughts about what is complex and what is simple. Forget all your ways of forming opinions and thinking about opinions completely. Forget all your ways of communicating.

Now, when you are in the position to react with speech DO NOT SPEAK. First you must feel whatever you wish to express but DO NOT speak the words. by feeling ALONE, take the feeling I told you to keep wordless and apply it to the feeling you wish to express.

Then, with the wordless feeling - begin to feel for a word that accurately addresses the first word of the feeling that you wish to express.

With your wordless feeling, try to apply words to this as accurately as possible, if it feels like you cannot find the word for it you must sustain your concentration for identifying this word from your feelings.

I will give you practice feelings to express:

(Remember - identify your feelings as accurately as possible)

begin to write down a DEFINITE (not what you THINK or an opinion) reason about why you encounter problems when you try to think. And why when you try to think of the correct word that identifys a certain part of this explaination, you encounter a difficulty that feels like resistance.

This resistance you feel is you not being used to using your TRUE feelings. While imagining the wordless feeling and addressing the first word of the feelings thought structure you wish to express, make sure the first word you identify within the feelings thought structure is the most accurate word according to your feelings that you can apply. Do this with the following words that you feel within the thought structure.

Practice this daily, you will be more capable of identifying words faster when you are in the mood. This will possibly effect how you conversate with others, it will effect how fast you are capable of executing identification of your feelings depending on how accurate you spoke before doing this exercise.

Example - _______ percentage is how ________ your words are to your feelings.

The blank's are the words that you need to identify accurately according to your feelings. This is an example image of a random complete thought structure. Concentration is most important in sustaining the presence of the unidentified feeling. Depending on the word you will either immediately without concentration apply the most accurate word to identify the feeling or sustain the feeling and begin the process of applying possible words to the feeling.

Answer: "efficientcy" percentage is how "accurate" your words are to your feelings.

Don't worry about the identified words and the complete thought structure. It is just an example... But this sentance is apart of what I'll be teaching in the next lessons.

You are not to form opinions, you must use your true feelings. A feeling is not an opinion it is a definite answer. There are millions of people that do not know of these crutial ways of thinking. What we believe to be acceptable comments and explainations by us and to the people that hear our complete thoughts, in reality, unfortunately in the form of opinions, questions, uncertainties and faults. If you don't use your feelings and your ability to speak accurate words and simply spoke what came to mind what you say can never be definite. When you associate your thoughts with possibilities (which are thoughts without true feelings), you cannot identify a definite answer. When you accurately write your feelings with the method I gave you, there is only ONE possibility.


A solution to a problem can help you structuralize a different problem depending if the events have the same positions,

The more efficient the word is in addressing your feelings, the more your feelings can react and become accessable and the more concentration(20%)/awareness(100%) in applying these words you would have to have. Eventually by continuously concentrating on the most efficient words available to you by writing them and by speaking them, the thoughts you wish to rid of in low efficientcy will no longer be apart of your thoughts, unless you expose yourself audily to inaccurate/low efficientcy words.


the words used to address someone's understanding... but by those who are of(?) 20% efficiency which allows you to have beliefs you’d rather call it intellegence and by calling it this, it has the influence(?) to keep you blinded.

stupid(20%) low percentage in accuracy(50%)/efficiency (90-100%)

ignorant(40%) average percentage in accuracy(50%)/efficiency(90-100%)

delusional(70%) slightly above average percentage in accuracy(50%)/efficiency(90%-100%)

Tricked(80%) above average percentage in accuracy(50%)/efficiency(90%-100%)

Inefficient(90-100%) nearly perfect efficiency percentage in accuracy(50%)/efficiency(90%-100%)

but remember, the word "tricked" has a high percentage, the definition of this word does not accomidate(?) the efficiency requirement of its position in a event it can be used in.

but the words that you use will need to address your feelings as much as you are currently capable. Addressing words to feelings you are able will aid you in addressing feelings that need words of higher efficientcy in later experiences. Every word in the event you are identifying must be accurate(50%)/efficient(90%-100%) in addressing your feelings. By thinking as accurately as possible about EVERYTHING you experience, this will eventually alter your perception(20%)-(100%) and you will gain understanding of the words of lower accuracy(50%)/efficiency(90%-100%). This is what is to be called Sight/Understanding. The perception developed by highly efficient words is identified as sight to keep those that do not know how to inform(20%)/teach(100%) themselves with a lack of understanding because the word "sight" is a word of low efficientcy according to the position of the event. But you must gain understanding to know this because the word is never explained and is inaccurately associated to the sense of vision when it shouldn't be. But without understanding the similarities of Sight and Understanding, our communications ability would need development. Without the instructions of how to understand the similarities of Sight and Understanding, you will speak with the words you’ve heard in others peoples event enactments and you will attempt to explain it, but you will speak inefficiency because there is a very high possibility that the words you are using are inefficient. Sight is the word they use as the "barrier" we refer to, you may have compared your troubles of "expressing yourself" with this "barrier" which is the point that we cannot pass - this event is of the vision. The illusion is to associate this specific awareness of efficientcy with the sense of vision, so those without understanding will believe the "barrier" is caused by something of the "super-natural" senses, rather than consistency in highly efficient thought.

The efficiency of words can be altered 0%, 20%, 50%, 80-90%. The unfulfilled and unavailable percentages are due to the english language and the lack of efficient events spoken to the public. No polititian, judge, president, known scientists, genious, etc. has NOT spoken any phrases above the efficiency of 60%(est.) to 99% within any thought structure of any perception(20%)/ (refer to awareness grid) known to the public. Words that are 100% in efficientcy would be the words in the ancient man Enoch's vocabulary. The efficientcy percentage is different when an event has been encrypted into a different event and examples are events within The book of Revelations in the Bible.

The lower the efficientcy, the less concentration required to identify, but the higher the efficienty the more concentration is required to identify. This is considering(?) that the language in use has been completely established according to the feelings.




When you have become used to writing down how you feel, you should be aware at(?) 30(?)-50% efficiency. At this point you must learn to remember the emotional placement of the sentance point you stopped at. This point MUST be remembered WHILE you think of the sentances proceeding positions in order to complete your thought. At first this may seem difficult to accomplish if you are not used to sustaining incomplete thought structures in memory. This exercise will aid you in writing highly efficient thought structures so it will enable you to be aware of the structure of that event. Using this exercise for an event will aid(?) you in structuring similar events. When you feel comfortable writing your thoughts and splitting them and putting them together, you will learn how to include this in your communications with others.


There is a activation for certain understanding. And that is by converting the neccessary feelings to words or more efficiently, enacting the positions of the events efficiently. The activation for the understanding will come to you which means you will realize new things.

Our ability to think has been restricted to perceptions that have been seperated into many structural forms which are: Commoners, citizens, poor people, rich people start with no sense or form of true thought. NO STRUCTURAL FORM OF TRUE THOUGHT - how the the world and the things in this world is developed.

THINKING - you begin not to accept how you speak and see that there is something wrong according to your feelings. Politions, The people in the government, Those in the highest professional positions in most of our businesses ignore how they feel and use words and phrases that scientists made very low in efficiency. A very large percentage of these words can be found in the dictionary.

KNOW(20%)/ IDENTIFY(100%) - beginning to realign and reconfigure the brains perception according to your feelings due to practice of mental exercises you will begin to express yourself more clearly and addressing your feelings will be easier.

REALIZE(20%)/ HEAVEN (the second key 70% efficiency) - This is the most difficult, this is the area where the semi-delusional people like wise men and preachers do no know of. And even jesus that TOLD but didn't TEACH how not to sin, not to kill, not to steal, love thy neighbor. Jesus was used as the object of essence that controls people by telling them not teaching them while people that are using words that do not address their feelings read jesus' words and recieve the false message and believe it because their words are not aligned with their feelings. There is proof because we will not be IN heaven, we will be ON heaven which is earth. Heaven will decend upon earth as it says in revelations when we all realize and then aquire our feelings construct. When your words are not in alignment with your feelings, you are using cliches, you are using slang, ghetto cliches, ghetto slang or any word or phrases that are low in accuracy you hear someone else say. This perception is where the answers are apparent. What I have written in my first post in here will open your mind to this structural understanding then you will be studying in order to free your mind.

You must become aware of each position of an event and you must be aware of the corresponding(?) words for all positions of all events of the nature of human beings, personal problems and similar(?) events. Without accomplishing(?) this you cannot overcome(?) Earth (the first key 20-69% efficiency).


I hope with all that I am that you all understand my exercises, because I am trying to show the correct WORD OF GOD and the time is almost near. This is an attempt of explaining SPIRITUAL SCIENCE of communication, feeling and reality. If you have any questions about anything within the exercises and explainations, ask.


^^^my sources were found at this website

the site begins....

A most interesting aspect of this prophetic Psalm is that the opening inquiry of the writer is left unanswered. His searching question concerns the reason why the peoples of the earth are hostile to Christ when he returns to subject the earth to his benevolent rule. The word used in the query, "vain," means "having no real substance." The distinct implication of the question is that the world has imagined something that is not true, that its leaders are deceived in some way. In this work a possible reason for the opposition to Christ, which it is believed is related to the "vain" idea those opposing him will hold, is advanced. It is the sincere desire on the part of those producing this pamphlet [Antipas in the producing of thiswebsite], to inform the public as to the nature of the expectations of many modern Bible students, and the possible consequences that these views may ultimately have when Jesus returns to this earth. By becoming acquainted with the evidence, the reader will hopefully then be in a better position to form his own opinion on the validity or invalidity of the ideas being put forth respecting future events.

And I will pour upon the house of DAVID, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." (Zech. 12:10)

4. Christ will perform miracles. "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing; for in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert." (Isaiah 35:5,6)

^^^These scriptures should be taken literally, NOT metaphorically although my studies will "unstop" your ears and will stop your blindness which means lack of understanding. These things will not oppress you anymore. Though I can do these things for you remember that I AM NOT christ. There is only one jesus and in Revelations 1 and Revelations 14:14. They both say Jesus himself cometh with clouds. There are other books in the bible before Revelations that says within the verses that Jesus comes with the clouds this time.

it continues...

Christ's rule will commence with a proclamation and those who refuse to submit to it will be crushed.

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of judgment is come; and worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea, and the fountains of waters." (Rev. 14:6, 7)

"And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off..." (Micah 4:3) See also Daniel 2:44

this is the end of the page on the web site...

The reader may well reflect at this juncture, "I see clearly the possibility that due to the remarkable similarity between what Jesus will do at his Second Coming and what this supposed Antichrist, according to many writers, would do, that a case of mistaken identity could certainly result: Jesus could very definitely be opposed for the reason that many think him to be this very Antichrist that they had been told about. Two questions do arise, however: (1) By what authority is it stated that these expositions of a Coming Antichrist are not sound? (2) Surely it is not being implied that good christian people, many of them currently holding this Antichrist view, will be among those deceived, if the above hypothesis is, in fact, true? Is the writer unaware that the Rapture will occur just prior to the manifestation of this Antichrist (according to present day expositions) and that they will be in heaven with Jesus during the reign of the Antichrist, and therefore could not possibly be deceived?"

Gain all the understanding you can. The more you have, the more verses you can interpret. Then one day... you'll be able to interpret the verses and locate even greater errors and fragments within the bible. These are the interpretations that will frighten you. and when you explain them to people... they won't believe you... If you want me to share them with you I'd be glad to or if you would like to learn them yourself then I'd say gain all the awareness and concentration that you can that you wouldn't gain from me just telling you. But in these terrible times, It is very important to know the truth about various biblical verses. I'd really like you to learn yourself but you have to know now its important the time is almost here... The ones I will write requires the understanding of realization except about the book of enoch, but i've added abit of my understanding to connect to the spiritual science of his keys.

1. It seems as if they did not include events of solomns wisdom above wisdom in of the bible. His wisdom above wisdom can be more efficiently called the understanding of heaven (the second key). There is no where in the bible where solomon tells his people they have been decieved and that the bible had been changed. If he actually had the understanding of realization, this is what he would have told them. But the first intentions of the bible wasn't to decieve man. So the story of solomon was created by satan inspired scientists, not people inspired by god.

2. The book of enoch possibly talks about his keys and their understanding.This is something we will never know until the books are introduced to the public. From my understanding his keys would have to have been structuralized by first learning how to structure his words efficiently according to his feelings. Wouldn't this be the only way if he were to have access to other feelings to create such inventions and gain such spiritual(?) knowledge? Their understanding 2,000 years ago was not primative to ours. Actually the public has regressed GREATLY in understanding since those days.

3. This is the most horrible. this is a complex decypherization and I'm probably the only CITIZEN that knows this besides people in the government, the life of jesus christ and his teachings that you read about is an example of a incomplete display of the true nature of humans. He does not explain the words he says, the book says the people never asks him to explain how to think the way he does. But if you look at the efficiency structure of the words of jesus, if you could SEE (20%)/UNDERSTAND (100%) you will see (20%)/understand (100%) that jesus' thoughts structure was unequal to his true intentions. He had feelings ready for enactment that were never enacted. The missing events are of who his god really is. Jesus said he did not know where his kingdom is, but he said he could call down the angels to save him. Jesus said to love thy enemy, but he contradicts himself when he calls the(?) priests Jackals. The bible says God, Jesus and the holy spirit are one, so that means that Jesus is God. So if Jesus contradicts himself, so does God because Jesus is God. Therefore, god contradicts himself and is not perfect. The events that explain how to be aware of this contradiction have not been written yet, but they will be later. If you have been exposed(?) to the bible and have not overcome Earth (the first key) 70% efficiency, I believe that there isn’t a way(?) to be aware of Jesus contradicting himself which causes his god and his religion to be misleading. Why isn't it anywhere in the story of Jesus a question from someone asking how and why he thinks this way? Being aware of contradictions is your efficiency of explaining your own nature, you in determining whether the God the father of Jesus is our god and if people should be religious depends on your efficiency of the identification of your being.

Demons do not cause you to do things against your will
Psychological errors do, which are events that are enacted around 20-40% efficiency. When you have questions you are controlled by possibilities and those possibilities are there to stop you from gaining realization within every perception(20%)/ (refer(?) to awareness grid) that is not realization(20%)/ heaven (second key 70% efficiency) that is on this earth. Possibilities as a commoner, polititian, monk, christian, citizen, rich person, black person, white person, chinese people, etc.

There is only ONE possibility when you speak your feelings. Why speak inaccurate feelings when they lead to possibilities? Lets get rid of our opinions! Religion can co-exist with Science, they are lying to you. Look up the KEYS of enoch and read about their structure! The only reason science can't co exist with religion is because the big bang theory and evolution theory conflicts with the biblical scriptures that god created the heavens and the earth.

They manipulate the bible, then they create theories against it. They lead us away from our true feelings with T.V and they deploy mentally brainwashed lunatics from secret government facilities into our cities as killers, liars, comedians, entertainers, polititians just to keep us under the illusion that WE are the ones doing this to ourselves!


yes... they can trick you into serving a god and its a very complex psychological construct, but not a complete construct because its foreign construct is a comparison to human feelings. I will explain how they did this to us.

all they need to do is teach people that do not know their feelings these things which are. Telling them that they have a soul and your mind is connected to it, this causes your true feelings to be replicated because it is being accurately compared by an inaccurate structure. The structure is the words. So true feelings have been as a computers operation... "over-ridden".

Then a story is created in accordance to the configurements. When the true feelings construct is "overridden" Then the human beings communications construct is only operational. Do you understand so far?

Then the human being cannot express himself or herself and begins to become delusional and can be controlled by the illusion of being "weak" or without "strength" which are clich'es for blindness which means lack of understanding. To accomidate these feelings of weakness and blindness, a god is presented to them and is said to protect them and BE THEIR STRENGTH.

Missing events, explaination needed.

__________________________________________________ __________



The creation(/) of a human key(20%) is needed if there are unidentified words and events. These words and events are the structure itself. After all words and events are identified efficiently then the key will be used(/) on the structure. A key(20%) is the encrypted word for required awareness, required efficiency, required communications experience.

My terms/words and their definitions according to my studies. The definitions might not be perfect but its the best of my understanding of my definitions as of now. DO NOT study the events of heaven if you have not overcome The Earth (the first key), you could become confused by the structure of your communications and will have a hard time understanding.

Event: A series(?) of positions that have, have yet to be or have not been identified.

Position: A word/term

identification: The act of identifying a word within an event.

efficiency: accuracy of a word to a structure


Awareness: Experience with events. refer to RESISTANCE AND AWARENESS explaination

Resistance: refer to RESISTANCE AND AWARENESS explaination


(?): Indicates that I am unsure of this word according to the situation or I am settling

for this word until a more efficient word can be identified.

(!): Indicates a new word.

(%): Indicates the percent of efficientcy of a word or event.

(/): Indicates that the word is being enacted despite its efficiency according to the event. Identifies two words of different efficiency of the same position. [see: Samson explaination, Judges 16:26 (International Version)] (can be compared to slang, but DO NOT let the experience of comparing this term to slang overwhelm(?) the study of this definition)

you must develop communications support. When you overcome earth (first key), you will not know what you are structuring exactly(?), but you will gradually(?) identify the terms that structure communications support. The bible provides its correct structure so you can improve it and perfect it by interpreting the encryptions efficiently according to communications support.

When all example positions within the bible have been identified by decrypting the scripture, you will be able to find the correct terms and correct enactments of the communications support to identify the events of the earth (first key) efficiently. After becoming aware of the encryptions of the bible according to communications support, then The bibles events are designed(?) to be decrypted by communications support because the scripture was created by special(?) scripts(100%)|scrolls(20%) according to communications support.

There is a very high possibility that the scroll(20%)|script(100%) that is in the ark of the covenant is the instructions on the similarities of our minds to our environment. I'm not able to identify what is in the ark efficiently, but its the knowledge that the government has.

Revision needed


Judges 16:26 (International Version)

"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them."

Communications Support Decryption(70%)/Interpretation(90-100%)
"Samson said to the servant who held his hand, "Put me where I can feel the words that support the communications, so that I may lean against them."


Judges 16:26 (International Version)

Samson said to the servant who held his hand "Put me where I can feel the pillars that support the temple, so that I may lean against them."

The scriptures then explains that Samson pulls the pillars that he feels, collapsing them which destroys the temple and kills more people than he killed when he was alive.

The pillars mean words, the support means the structure and the temple is an encryption of the word comunications. First Samson said he wanted to feel the pillars which is interpreted as he wanted to feel the words. He said the pillars|words support the temple. My interpretation in consistency with the explained event that Samson destroys the temple, is that Samson feels the pillars|words that support|structure the temple|communications and destroy the temple|communications. To enact(?) the destruction of my terms/words according tot he event in the bible, this would be feeling for exploits(?) to destroy our communications structure, which would then destory structuralized communications. With this interpretation, this would cause Samson to be an evil human being or whatever he was.



The Tree of Knowledge

Daniel 4:10 These are the visions I saw while lying in my bed: I looked, and there before me stood a tree in the middle of the land. Its height was enormous. 11The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky; it was visible to the ends of the earth. 12Its leaves were beautiful, its fruit abundant, and on it was food for all. Under it the beasts of the field found shelter, and the birds of the air lived in its branches; from it every creature was fed.

Daniel then interprets the Tree in King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to be the(?) king(?) himself(?).

Daniel 4:20 the tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, 21with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the air-- 22you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth.

Using Daniels interpretations also applies to the Tree of Knowledge in the book of Genesis and can be perfectly included in the communications support enactment of these scriptures.

Genesis 2:16 And the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; 17but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.”

According to the communications support, the Tree of Knowledge would be interpreted to be the Body of Knowledge and fruit(20%) would be interpreted as evil(?)(80%)/good(?)(80%)

Genesis 3:24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

God drove(?) out man because he ate one the fruit(20%|evil(80%)/good(?)(80%) on the tree(20%)|body(30-60%) of knowledge, according to the communications support when Adam ate the fruit which god(20%)|feelings(100%) told him not to, would then cause the fruit to be a fruit of evil(?)(80%) or sin(?)(20%) and not a fruit of good. Other tree’s were all fruits of good and none contained evil. There is a conflict with the tree of knowledge and other tree’s(20%)|body(30-60%) because the tree(20%)|body(30-60%) of knowledge, the fruit is identified to be good – which is still knowledge. So all the tree’s should be called the tree(20%)|body(30-60%) of knowledge. (I didn’t explain the conflict correctly, I’m having trouble interpreting this efficiently – forgive me)

Missing events, missing positions, needs revision



You will be able to preform this once you overcome Earth (the first key 20-69% efficiency)

What I'm about to write, you must not be imbarrased about it or you will lose focus and think I'm crazy or something, but I'm serious and I'm trying to help you and I'm going to say this the best way I can.

This is probably the most common problem among people and it MUST be addressed in order to free yourself of this complex delusion. Alright... I am trying to help, listen and try to gain an understanding.

This delusion is seperate from the feelings construct and is in no way solved by finding your feelings construct. This problem is solved a different way than solving psychological confusion, a want to lie, kill, steal, fight, curse all at once which would be to structure your words according to your feelings construct accurately. This delusion is the most common and it is the most complex because it is an extension of your feelings construct. Once you have gained the understanding of realization you will be able to restructure this problem with accurate words. But since I am guiding you, perhaps you can do this by focusing and you will follow then alter the feelings I tell you to and convert it into accurate structure. It is not as complex as the rhyme extension, it has ALOT less structure to identify and this is a VERY HUGE relief. Alright FOLLOW me.

This will stop your thoughts of lust if not completely, it will give you accurate and APPROPRIATE understanding of the extension of finding a partner.

If you haven't found the extent of your attraction and you are trying to find a way to stop the lust, you are not going to hell because you do not know how to stop it. Don't worry.

Alright... this is for men... first you have to have already found your "soul mate" more accurately that would be someone that is the extent of your attraction. Men fall in lust to women in many ways and I've found out how to stop it if you lose your love focus with your soul mate (don't forget... extent of your attraction). Imagine a woman that you would lust, then aside that image, imagine your soul mate. This is the next step where having complete understanding of what your feelings construct is becomes useful. You must begin to analyze both and speak both images structure, compare them and FEEL for which one according to your feelings construct would be most comfortable. Now, you should have established by feeling that the extent of your attraction is most comfortable and you should then FOCUS on the extent of your attraction. What this does is COMPLETELY nullifies the feelings of lust. It will work.

I have a feeling this would work for women also. hmm.. its more like a solution because there is no delusion. But when you are under a delusion, there is no solution you can only overcome it... do you see the difference between the understandings of the wise man of these days and the understanding of realization that is rare? This will solve your lust problems. Be serious about this. We have to be ready.



I've identified the connection(?) of the vision of the eyes to thoughts. This explaination will need to be revised.

You must have awareness of your feelings then have awareness of your thoughts, which is then connected(?) to your vision if you focus with your eyes. When the first key is aquired and you have been progressing then you will eventually become curious of the grid(?)/formation(?) of the connection(?) of the feelings, thoughts and your vision. Since a majority of us have not been given understanding that is not structuralized to the awareness of your feelings then the phrases we speak are unstructuralized. since the order is feelings, thoughts then vision and that awareness governs al 3, the efficency of your words is equal to the efficency of your vision. These seperate efficiencies do not need to be equal.

For example: buildings that have been built today are inefficient. The cars are inefficient.

In order to see earth as hell (which are its visual inefficiencies) you would need to be aware of the connection(?) of feelings, thoughts and vision within the grid(?)/formation(?) from(?) the feelings.

Revision needed


The explainations I have been writing and posting are providing me with the words to revise the most important explainations which are about ourselves. If I tried to explain those right now, I wouldn't be able to because the resistance is too great. Its not like the resistance of trying to explain my where isn't going to be a temple in heaven or explainations about the definition(?) exploit of the sith sense game. The resistance causes anger as soon as I try to begin trying to identify the events. I'll have to wait and explain other problems first and then use the words that I identified from those problems then see if that would decrease the resistance of explaining the problems about ourselves. I will explain all problems eventually.

The information of the bible is consistent(!) with its own efficiency, not the efficency of my interpretation. In our situation, the consistency of my interpreations would be efficent to reality, while the consistency of the efficency in the bible have been found to be incomplete encryptions of our reality. The bibles encryptions are only true if they can be interpreted completely according to our reality. If there is a missing encryption in consistency with the event then it is incomplete. (i.e Solomons wisdom above wisdom)



acquired by completing communications support

This information will identify the remaining events and situations of the first key. The events and situations are known as the effects of slang and inefficient words [see definition for (/)] I have not efficiently identified communications support I still have work to do before I can begin writing how to establish the communications grid.

After I have finished the first key I will write how to establish the communications grid.


Revelation 15:5 "After this I looked and in heaven the temple, that is, the tabernacle of testimony, was opened."


(advanced ability)

the communications support and grid are possible connections(?) to this ability. Communications support and grid must be completed. Awareness of communications support and grid must be activated(?)

the effects(?) of this is a controllable(?) flow of unidentified energy(?) through the mid section of the brain. Accelleration(?) can be controlled(?) by accellerating(?) the speed at which the events are enacting. Enhanced visual focus (not for communication).

The gate of heaven for this ability is unknown right now.

Missing events. Effects(?) and activation(?) must be identified.


Revelation 20:1 "And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the abyss and holding in his hand a great chain."

Revelation 21:22 "I did not see a temple in the city, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple."

This verse in Revelation is referring to the new and final heaven. The previous heaven contained a temple which is the temple|communications of God/feeling. The term "city" is an encryption according to communicaitons support for "ability", "choice of ability". A city contains small buildings(20-60%)|temples, large buildings|temples, roads(10-60%est.)/paths(20-60%est.)/efficient enactment(100%). City/ability of God/feelings. Once the understanding of heaven is perfected by study, the ones who overcame earth (first key), will be aware of communications support. This will fulfill this scripture.

Book Unknown ? : ? "I will build your temple of turquoise"

^^this was written for david i think some where in the bible, this is why I believe the communications entrance to be turquoise.

Look up how energy(?) stones are assigned to specific energy[(?)90%?]/feeling(0?%). Communications energy(?)/feeling. The relation(?) of energy(?) to feeling is unknown, so percentages cannot be correctly assigned.

Chakra's(?%) <--I don't like that word...

I have found the connection(?) of the colored stones normally associated with astronomy or metaphysics(70%est). Each stone has its own energy(?) and its own gate to the kingdom of heaven (second key [choice of ability]). The communications has its own stone. The energy(?) of the communications is the resistance felt when identifying a word. It would benefit(?) you to develop the communications grid and complete communications support to structure the understanding(?) of other abilities.


12,000 stadia in length

144 cubits thick

This wall is made of jasper. The purpose of jasper is not known right now.


Enacting the Biblical Keys with school and other studies

about doing your school work, all you have to do is imagine what its talking about. If you just read it and don't imagine what your reading you are probably going to forget. Not wanting to memorize information isn't because of your motivation, its about your understanding of how to study. Apply your studies to earth and heaven.


Events after overcoming The Earth (first key),

After I had overcome The Earth (first key), I was trying to identify where(?) my happiness came from and other abilities of the feelings other than my communications ability. I had begun structuring my new feelings and identifying words for them(?) at that time about a year ago. I was walking down State Street in Alliance, Ohio in the snow to go to work and I started to feel something that seemed like it pierced(?) my new understanding and it felt sharp and I felt pressure while it happened. I fought(?) to sustain my understanding, but it was taken away from me because I couldn't sustain it. Something similar to HAARP did that to me.

I was in my grandparents house the day before this event happened and I heard what sounded like a small flying craft flying above my grandparents house for about 7 seconds, then the sound drifted off extremely(?) fast, so it must have been moving extremely(?) fast.

As soon as you overcome The Earth (first key) you feel happiness that you've never felt before. Its one of the best feelings of happiness I’ve felt in my entire life.

This position that I'm talking about of your communications has been structured by biblical belief. I'm not aware of any other structuralization that could allow you to aquire(?) other than structuralization by biblical belief. It can be done by identification of the surroundings, this would be perferrably at the beginning of human communication development, the time of this was probably after language was developed. If this position wasn't structured by biblical belief or any other structuralization, then it could take centuries to develop the communications to identify this position. The structure of biblical belief used in the bible is not meant to quickly(?) structuralize the communications, biblical belief is meant to contain(?) the communications. The encryptions of the bible are encrypted enactments that perfectly enact the connections(?) of the communications, the body, and the feelings. This(?) is(?) why(?) this position can be aquired quickly(?).

Quick(?) structuralization is considered a down(?) fall(?) of the structuralization of belief to the ones who contribute the structuralization.



Missing events

__________________________________________________ __________

THE SEA (the third key)

Owners of companies, presidents, vice presidents, executives, lyricists, famous music writers, singers, actors, politicians, judges, dictators, leaders of gangs, are all apart of the third key and all have their purpose in lowering the communications efficiency of this world. The people that are considered upper class have the biblical keys and those that are below upper class and have keys can be considered undercovers. People that are actually undercovers are meant to assure that the citizens that are below upper class and do not have biblical keys are accepting what is being shown to them. Citizens gradually learn how the undercovers act according to what is being shown. This is all accomplished by the use of communications efficiency.

Missing events.


Revelation 9:14,15 14..."Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates." 15 And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind.

Revelation 13:1 "And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each a blasphemous name.

Revelation 10:1,2 1 "Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud, with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 2 He was holding a little scroll, which lay open in his hand. He planted his right foot on the sea and his left on the land."

Revelation 21:1 "Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea."

This key is the purpose of the angels or other beings. According to Revelation 21:1, changing the conditions of the earth is unneccessary after the second key has been popularized (Revelations 21:22). Ridding of the sea could cause problems on earth.

According to the first and second key. If condition of the earth, hesistation of people that possibly have already had knowledge of these keys, The possibility of those that would claim that pain or global confusion is the only way to the kingdom of heaven [(second key) choice of ability]for humans if asked the question, the comments(?) that population control by death is the(?) only(?) way(?).(and anything else controlling this world which is inefficient to normal human life on earth[first key]) Missing events.

People are tired of a less efficient understanding of what I've heard is called elarabiya mind control. The events of shows on Television are inefficient, causing you to speak inefficiently. The hidden(?) government in this country has been sending spies though out this country to interact with its citizens since this country was colonized(?) they've been sending them(?) through out the world also. This method(?) is used in other countries as well. This method(?) has been used when they(?) first arrived here on this planet.

New International Version of The Bible

Genesis 2:1-12

1 Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made. He said to the woman, "Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?"

2 The woman said to the serpent, "We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,

3 but God did say, 'You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.' "

4 "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman.

5 "For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."

6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

8 Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden.

9 But the LORD God called to the man, "Where are you?"

10 He answered, "I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid."

11 And he said, "Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?"

12 The man said, "The woman you put here with me—she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it."

Yes, you'd be free(?) to do certain things(?), it depends on what your interests are and whether they are important or not. Having unimportant interests before being prepared to go to Heaven will increase(?) the possibility of you losing everything. There isn't anything good about the things you can do after you lose everything.

Psalms 148 1-14

1 Praise ye the LORD. Praise ye the LORD from the heavens: praise him in the heights.

2 Praise ye him, all his angels: praise ye him, all his hosts.

3 Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.

4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

5 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for he commanded, and they were created.

6 He hath also stablished them for ever and ever: he hath made a decree which shall not pass.

7 Praise the LORD from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps:

8 Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word:

9 Mountains, and all hills; fruitful trees, and all cedars:

10 Beasts, and all cattle; creeping things, and flying fowl:

11 Kings of the earth, and all people; princes, and all judges of the earth:

12 Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children:

13 Let them praise the name of the LORD: for his name alone is excellent; his glory is above the earth and heaven.

14 He also exalteth the horn of his people, the praise of all his saints; even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. Praise ye the LORD.

Nastradamus and his people has or had no concern for us, he had to give us a way to know whats going to happen or he would be dishonored among his people. It seems as if they've always given us a way to know about what they've hidden, if they didn't then they wouldn't feel like it would be a challenge if we didn't have a way to fight back and they do it because they didn't want to put shackles that produce(?) energy to levitate around our ankles so we can't move and they work us and beat us to death while they are in their true(?) forms(?). They wanted to live hidden among us and use us to make their living here comfortable. We wouldn't have to fight each other if they weren't here.

Never trust beings that seem to be or are communicating with you if you don't know who they are.

New technology is coming out. They are advertising more of it now. One was the comercial with the electronic(?) blinds for the windows. Now they have 3 new ones that I've seen, the one with the restaurant and the inside structure of the restaurant can move into compartments, the one with the house that had moving furnature and commercial that had an outside park bench increasing its size. When this technology comes out, we are in trouble, seriously. This type of technology is not of 70% constitution(?), its beyond(?) it. The bible can't be apart of our lives if this technology comes out... If our children are given this technology and there is no bible and events that are of 70% which is below this new technologies constitution then they won't be able to constitute(?) at 70%. This is not going to be the reason why they'll get rid of the bible, they are going to get rid of it because of how the technology is going to make people feel and they know how people are going to feel when they put(?) it(?) out(?). Children that grow(?) up(?) around this new technology will have a different constitution(?), they won't know how to constitute(?) between good and evil, they won't do either because the new technology doesn't give them that type(?) of constitution(?), it will be like heaven and the aliens aren't going to let us have peace so what they are probably going to do is bring(?) the technology out(?) then say the bible is evil the new world order will begin then people will fight against them and their children and teenagers won't understand why the older people are fighting because they have a different constitution(?), the new world order could start after the revolt(?), their parents could teach them but it will be too late to because they'll be fighting about the bible with the government. They are going to plan world wide enslavement during the new world order, then they are probably going to try to beat us to death then leave the planet because there can't be anymore advancement. After you have evil aliens that have given you a bible and tortured you with it then switched to a different(?) constitution, there is going to be a disagreement! They are going to try to kill us all! I can't keep writing this because they keep limiting the communications I use by making my brain hurt if I use certain parts of my communications ability. I'm just warning you guys. I know its not an efficient explaination but I have to tell you. When I figure out how to reverse(?) what they did I'll explain it more efficiently.

no wait, if the aliens weren't violent towards us then they would get rid of the bible and if they were evil they would have to get rid of the bible, because the constitution(?) of biblical events and the constitution(?) of this new technology are not the same(?). It doesn't matter if the beings are good or evil they would still have to get rid of the bible. So since it doesn't matter if they are good or evil then I can't say that they will kill us when they get rid of it until I see them trying to attack us after they say the bible is out dated. There has to be other ways to enable 70% constitution other than learning from the bible and living in a world that has 100%(?) structure but enacts at 20% efficiency, because the way we are learning is brutal(?) and could cause death... There is no proof that they are evil because you can learn from it but there aren't that many that learn from it tho, so this has got to be evil . As soon as the technology comes out(?) and when people start using it they are going to do something strange. If they don't then, the peace that we have is going to feel strange because they stopped attacking us. The aliens have to say something about the bible because people are going to feel the change of constitution(?), they just can't give us the new technology then not say anything about the bible because people will notice that life is changing from how they used to live. If the aliens don't say anything about the bible, then people will leave the bible behind and use the new technology and they will have to stop attacking us and if they don't then they are evil which means we are in trouble.

My brain stopped hurting after I identified some of the events of this new constitution, i'll have to stop here because they might try something funny if I become aware enough of it. I don't think any of the spies around me are going to be talking about the new technology so I think I'm safe. If they do then people are going to be looking at them like they are crazy because they speak at 20% efficiency. Who knows, maybe they will because they are spies - its almost the end of the times of war anyways... they'll probably pull crazy stuff like that because they are desperate...

It says in the bible that satan took 1/3 of gods angels (need book, chapter and verse of from New International Version of the bible) This means that 1/3 of this planets population of humans are aliens. There are about 6 billion people on this planet. So 2 billion are half human and half alien and 4 billion are human. I'm sure there aren't exactly 2 billion aliens on this planet so that would mean the verse is inaccurate. I don't think the population is of half human half aliens is being maintained at 1/3 of the earths population of humans. Maybe they are maintaining the population of half human half alien beings and human beings on this planet, its possible but I'm not sure if they are actually maintaining their population and ours according to the scripture.

missing events


Overcome The Earth (the first key) first, I had to include the events of Heaven (the second key) and The Sea (the third key) the humans that are actually aliens and represent The Sea (the third key) are planning something and its dangerous not to know whats actually going(?) on(?), if enough of us know about the biblical keys then what they are planning to do can be prevented. When they make events they continue uninterrupted because the majority of human beings are not aware of who really has been in control of this planet for about or more than 2,000 years. All of the events written are from 2003 to April 23, 2006. Events that are most efficient are probably events that I’ve written recently.
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